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Looks can be deceiving.

I knew that most people took one look at the ink and the impossibly big and strong body it covered and decided I was a brawler…a bruiser…a beast. However, I was hardwired to be a thinker, not a fighter—my mind being my greatest weapon and my biggest weakness.

I should have chosen to use my brain and talents to be one of the good guys, a hero, a man with dignity and worth.

I turned my back on dignity and sold my soul to the highest bidder, deciding to dance with the devil, instead.

I couldn’t figure out how to help myself, so there was zero chance I knew how to save someone else.

That someone else was Noe Lee. She was the unkempt, unruly thief who was just as smart as I was and twice as street savvy. She was annoyingly adorable beneath the dirt and grime and she was in trouble. In way over her head, I told myself it wasn’t my job to keep her from drowning. In the Point, it was sink or swim and I wasn’t the designated lifeguard on duty.

I had shut the door in her face, but now she’s gone…vanished…disappeared without a trace. It took less than a second for me to realize that I wanted her back.

When a woman comes along that melts all the frozen, hard things you’re made of, you’ll do anything you have to, to bring her home.

What you see is not always what you get…and with a man like me there is more than anyone ever bargained for.

294 pages, Paperback

First published October 17, 2017

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About the author

Jay Crownover

102 books14.2k followers
Jay Crownover is the International and multiple New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Marked Men Series, The Saints of Denver Series, The Point and Breaking Point Series, and the Loveless, Texas series. Her books can be found translated in many different languages all around the world. She is a tattooed, crazy haired Colorado native who lives at the base of the Rockies with her awesome dogs. This is where she can frequently be found enjoying a cold beer and Taco Tuesdays. Jay is a self-declared music snob and outspoken book lover who is always looking for her next adventure, between the pages and on the road.
GUYS!!! I finally have a newsletter, so if you want to sign up for exclusive content and monthly giveaways you can do that right here:
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Displaying 1 - 30 of 325 reviews
Profile Image for Jen.
1,655 reviews1,109 followers
October 18, 2018
Book two of The Breaking Point series was a great read. Stark is the smart and sexy kind of hero, and I definitely fell for him! I found he was portrayed a lot like the superheroes that we see in the movies lately! Even though this story had far fetched moments, it was still an enjoyable read! The love that developed between Stark and Noe was extremely sweet. These two characters struggled with trusting anyone, but once they found each other; they learned where their trust could be given!

This series is way worth looking into... to get the full emotional experience though, I would recommend starting with the Welcome to the Point series first. This way you get to know ALL of the characters involved in the rough town The Point!!!
Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,107 followers
October 16, 2017
4.5 stars

Such a fantastic story, I devoured it.I have the same feeling starting this book like when I read Honor, I didn't know what to expect and this intrigued me even more.When I start reading Dignity, it was hard to put it down!

Stark and Noe were the perfect combination.Seriously they have an amazing chemistry and it was like an explosion every time they were together.They were super hot and intense.Stark was perfect, I'm in love with him.He is smart and sexy!

I love this world that Jay created and I love her writing so much.For me this series is so different from Saints of Denver .
I'm more than excited for the next book.


Profile Image for Tanja ~ KT Book Reviews .
1,450 reviews206 followers
October 16, 2017
Anytime a new book comes out with the name Jay Crownover attached to it I am in! And anytime it’s a sequel to a book I really got sucked into I am all over it! I am just so happy that Dignity lived up to the hype I had in my head after reading about Noe and Stark in the last pages of Honor! They have been on my mind ever since.

The gritty world of the Point is still the same dangerous and unforgiving place. Two people will struggle in different ways to make it through with as few scars as possible. Both with a past that hinders their present emotions and both with a need to find… more. More trust, more reasons to believe, and more self-awareness than ever believed.

I really won’t delve into this story much. I don’t think you, the reader, should know too much before beginning book two in The Breaking Point series. Let the ride do what is intended. Steal your breath, make your heart beat faster with the unexpected and jump with the anticipation of the unknown.

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Profile Image for The Reading's Love Blog.
1,340 reviews230 followers
September 27, 2018
RECENSIONE COMPLETA QUI: https://thereadingslove.blogspot.com/...

Noe Lee è una ragazza in fuga dal suo passato. Una ragazza che vive per la sua indipendenza e che usa tutte le sue risorse per aiutare chiunque abbia bisogno di fuggire via da The Point, un posto dove i criminali regnano e i giusti scappano o si nascondono. Un mondo utopico, fatto di dolore e silenzi che costano cari. Incurante dei pericoli, Noe va contro chiunque tenti di strappare le ali a chi non ha le forze fisiche o mentali per salvare la propria anima. Perché un’anima spezzata è difficile da risanare e Noe lo sa. Trovatasi intrappolata in un giro vizioso di potere e criminalità ed andando contro i suoi ideali, Noe chiede aiuto all’unica persona in grado di proteggerla: Snowden. Snowden è un uomo forgiato nel dolore e nel buio. Costretto da forze superiori ad essere un qualcuno che non desidera, egli si vede intrappolato in una vita che lo imprigiona in gabbie tecnologiche, senza possibilità di scelta. Un dolore troppo forte lo rendono privo di sentimenti e di affetti. Non esistono sfumature, soltanto colori nitidi ed oscuri. Un’unica persona è riuscita a scalfire la corazza creatasi in passato, una persona che ha messo in dubbio la sua forza ed il suo cervello: Noe. Ma quando quest’ultima bussa alla sua porta in cerca di aiuto, Snow non fa altro che allontanarla, chiudendole le porte e negandole la salvezza. Quando una persona riconosce l’oscurità come sua amica ed alleata, cosa fa quando vede uno spiraglio di luce? Scappa. Spaventato dalla tempesta interiore che Noe gli crea, Snow cerca di proteggere se stesso dalla scoperta di sensazioni nuove. Ma è davvero possibile? Una corsa al tempo, uno sguardo lontano, un bisogno di protezione fanno da cornice ad uno scenario macabro e corrotto, come quello di The Point. Esiste redenzione? Esiste l’amore puro? Intrighi, paure, morti ed ossessioni fanno da garante ad un romanzo dinamico e persuasivo. Una chiazza di purezza in un dipinto di disastri. Scene erotiche che ti accarezzano l’anima, giochi di sguardi che ti cullano il cuore e scambi di sensazioni che ti scaldano le emozioni. Sei disposto ad entrare in una storia che di puro non ha nulla?

Profile Image for Rebecca Yarros.
Author 42 books87.2k followers
July 13, 2017
Beyond Excellent. This one is now my FAVORITE Jay book EVERRRRR. And that's from a die-hard Nash fan. Seriously. Stark is scrumptious, broody, wicked-smart, and just as delicious as all of Jay's men, but he's just got something about him that kept me turning pages at 2 a.m. Utterly fabulous.
Profile Image for Simply Love Book Reviews.
7,046 reviews851 followers
October 16, 2017

Series are probably my absolute favorite. I love living in the "world" of connected characters that makes me feel like I'm a part of it, being friends or family and living a part of their lives. After watching Nassir and Keelyn's love story unfold (with all the ups and downs) I was hooked on this new set of characters. A tattooed main character, gruff and with a wall built all around his heart a thief that knows she is in over her head as the female lead pulled me into this one from the beginning.

I am a believer of people changed - and Noe Lee personified this. People can make mistakes; it's how they battle back and change their life after these mistakes that shapes their character. Noe's middle name should be trouble. She's been in and out of it and Stark, in the beginning, feels it isn't his place to save her - especially being she robbed HIS apartment! She's already bitten the hand and now she wants it to feed her (so to speak). Sending her away is exactly what Stark feels is right. But when she's gone, BAM, now he wants her back and she is nowhere to be found.

The suspense that sucks you in in all of Crownover's books didn't fail to deliver. And the heat between the two? Scorcher times 10! Like in any good read, Noe and Stark didn't just happen. There were circumstances throughout the book that tried to keep them from their happily ever after. But through Crownover's words, we rooted for these two and their Happily every (smoking hot) after!

Profile Image for K.
856 reviews
November 6, 2017
Okay.... so what went wrong for me, with regards to this book? I mean, I love Asian characters in mostly white-people-falling-in-lust/love romances. I also love geek heroes. I also love almost all of Jay Crownover's The Point books, but this one? Bored me out of my freakin' mind. The story's pacing, literally, crawled like tar on wood.

No, not like this type of crawling:
sexy crawling

More, like this type of crawling:

In theory, it was a great story. Murder, mayhem, avenging wrongs, bad guys doing good, etc. But, damn, did the author have to "force" us to read every, single thought; every, darned nuance of each thought; plus the entire length of the characters' thought processes, mixed in with the inner angst and turmoil/shit the characters are going through? TBH, I just skipped to end after I hit the 20% mark of "Dignity." Too bad, really. I liked the premise.
Profile Image for Pam Nelson.
3,499 reviews107 followers
July 30, 2018
4.5 Dignity Stars

Being a second book in this series…I usually love them more than the first books. I know I am weird buttttt as much as I liked this book Honor is still number one for me.

I loved that two “geeks” get together. Or I should say brainy acts. 
Noe’s story will break your heart as will Starks and I think what makes this book so special is how they need each other and don’t even know it.

It’s a book you can’t help but be rooting for them. And near the end… I FREAKING loved how they had each other’s backs. Best parts totally.

Really enjoyed the narration on this book too! :)

*You don't have to like my review but its 100% my opinion, and I am allowed to have it.*
Profile Image for Sarah.
1,758 reviews1,325 followers
October 18, 2017

5 Tin Man Crowns

Let me introduce you to my new favorite couple and story about the Point. Noe and Stark are just fantastic complex couples who find solace in their world together, and every minute of their journey is completely amazing.

Stark is the figurative Tin Man with a heart that has been on lock down since he suffered some serious losses in his life. The one girl to bring him back does so quickly and heats up all of his gears. From the minute they truly meet and engage in conversation, we get to see a different side to the boy genius - what plagues him, what he desires, and what drives him now and in the future. The man we get to meet is this complex man who balances between the world of good and evil, but make no mistake that this man is all good. His honor, his intelligence, and his appearance are the trifecta of everything I love in a hero.

Noe is a heroine I respect. Even when she has nothing, she chooses to help those who need it. She chooses to live her life in the shadows to protect herself, and while I extol her sense of duty to others and he choices she has made, I love that Jay Crownover gets her to take her life back. I also love that the author made Noe an equal to Stark. They are together, making choices and decisions for each other and what they become as the novel progresses. She is a true independent heroine and my favorite Crownover lady.

With he corruption and danger evident from chapter one, readers will be pulled into the plot of the story. The immediate danger for Noe, the corruption of the Point, and blurred lines of good and bad in this world make for an enticing story. Jay Crownover balances this world with the evolution and healing of two broken and damaged characters. Through the conflict and resolution of the story, we get to see them take ownership of their lives, we get to see passion erupt between the two, and we get to see a couple who truly has each other's back in all situations.

I love this dark and dirty world Jay Crownover has created with this series. This one in particular and the questions posed about good and evil and the way she blurs the lines between the two makes Dignity a must read.
ARC received in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Shayna.
1,813 reviews613 followers
October 15, 2017
DIGNITY is only my second read by author Jay Crownover and she has surprised me once again! Sexy, smart, heartwarming, and suspenseful - Noe and Stark's story had me on the edge of my seat the whole way through! Two damaged souls coming together for a purpose and it leads to so much more. These two bring something out in each other that they can no longer deny. Their journey to break down each other’s walls was quite amazing and incredibly entertaining. Once I started this book, I knew there was NO putting it down. 

“I needed to go so he could bring me back. Show me my place in life. In this big, bad world. And once he had me, I was going to help him find his heart...because that elusive, tricky thing was mine.”

Stark, our hero, was an absolutely FASCINATING character. There is something about an alpha male trying to come to terms with his feelings after being numb to them for so long. It’s intoxicating really, and Noe Lee was the only woman who could bring him to this realization. And in just existing, she brought boy genius out of his internal prison and made him feel everything again. Their banter was so so heartwarming and awkward at the same time, but I most certainly fell in love with both of these characters. They’re unique as individuals and their relationship is a unique one as well. It was really refreshing to read something like this and I think Jay Crownover has a special ability to give us something special, something different each and every time she puts pen to paper.

I devoured HONOR, book one in this romantic suspense series and it was so fun to dive back into this world with DIGNITY. I can’t wait to see what awesomeness she brings us next with Booker and Karsen’s story because WOW, there is a lot going on there.

Dignity Teaser

ARC stamp
Profile Image for London.
725 reviews
October 23, 2017
DNF 38% nothing wrong with the story just so much damn inner monologue going on. It was exhausting I wanted to get to an actual conversation between the H/h rather than being stuck in their head
314 reviews42 followers
October 24, 2017

It was a major let-down. The characters were busy trying to fix each-other and have sex, and the real story-line was drowned.
Profile Image for ♡Julalicious Book Paradise♡.
1,028 reviews70 followers
October 17, 2017
Rating: 4.5/5

I was really looking forward to this book because I didn't know what to expect from these two characters, but I was really eager about finding out.

Snowden Stark and Noe Lee are both hackers you don't want to have as enemies as they are both extremely good at finding what you don't want people to know. On their own, they can do wonders, but together, they seem to be a force to be reckoned with.

Each of their past has forged them into the people they are now and is the reason as to why they avoid to make personal connection with anyone who interfere in their lives… until Noe came to Stark for his help.

Noe Lee’s is in over her head and no matter how much she hates it, she needs Stark’s help to get out of the mess she got herself into. She is a proud person and it’s hard for her to ask for help when she is used to do everything on her own. As you learn more and more about her past, you realize just how strong she is and why it’s so important for her to help out people when she can, even if it puts her life in danger. She is a smart woman who has more than one trick in her hat and she isn’t afraid to speak up her mind.

Stark has a lot of trouble dealing with the feelings Noe woke up in him because it forces him to feel rather than just going through the motion. Pushing her away when she comes for his help was a way to protect himself though he hates himself to have done so. His past made him wary about letting other people near, but it also made even more focused about bringing his own kind of justice when the system fails to help out those in needs. He is a genius hacker and nothing can stop him once he put his mind to it, but still, while he could do a lot more known damage, he still trying to keep a low profile; trying to avoid getting confronted to his past once more.

When they are together, it seems that what Noe and Stark feel is magnified and it’s really then you get to see behind the scarred girl and the guilt-ridden boy. They are both alike and yet different in the way they want to deal with situations, but when they put their energy together, they just seem to fit like a puzzle.

It’s hard writing this review because I don’t know how much I can say without spoiling everyone, but believe me, each chapter will leave you asking for more.

Also, I won’t lie that some parts went rather quickly and I was a bit confused about the timeline, but that may just be me.

Overall, this book was an awesome read and I'm really looking forward to the next book in this series. I can't wait to see where Jay will write for the next one because I've been intrigued about this story since I first saw these characters in the Welcome to the Point series.

I was giving an advanced copy of this book in exchange of an honest review.
1,557 reviews39 followers
October 27, 2017
Avec ce roman, Jay Crownover nous ramène à cette ville imaginaire qu’elle a créée et tout particulièrement dans un quartier où règnent la corruption et la violence. Il vaut mieux avoir lu les précédents livres pour suivre l’intrigue car de nombreux personnages sont déjà apparus et pour certains, nous apprenons quelques détails supplémentaires sur leur vie, leurs problèmes qui reviendront sans nul doute dans de futurs romans dont ils seront les héros.

Le héros n’est pas celui que j’attends le plus depuis que nous avons eu l’histoire de Nassir, mais après lecture, il donne toute satisfaction même si j’ai particulièrement apprécié l’héroïne. Snowden Stark est un geek dans une montagne de muscles. C’est un homme au QI exceptionnel dont l’enfance a été exceptionnellement dure. issue d’une famille de personnes aussi exceptionnelles que lui, la vie leur a joué de bien mauvais tours. Au final, Stark vit dans ce quartier de perdition et sert Nassir qui n’est pas vraiment du bon côté de la loi. Mais il y a pire, Stark va le découvrir quand Noe vient frapper à sa porte. C’est une jeune geek elle aussi qui pour des raisons que nous finirons par connaître a choisi de vivre dans la rue et de chercher l’anonymat le plus total. D’origine coréenne, elle aussi a une enfance effrayante et elle vient de fâcher un homme important, le maire de la ville. Les prénoms de ces deux personnages sont intéressants d’ailleurs. celui de Noe est expliquée d’ailleurs ; quant à Snowden, c’est très évident. Edward Snowden est un informaticien américain qui a révélé les systèmes de surveillance de masses de certaines agences très officielles des États-Unis et du Royaume-Uni. Il y a pas mal d’allusions aux énormes possibilités qu’offre l’informatique à la fois pour faire le bien ou le mal.

Profile Image for Evenusia.
858 reviews28 followers
September 24, 2018
C’est assez drôle de constater que, pour une fois, le héros masculin est bien moins expérimenté que l’héroïne, et que celle ci n’hésite pas à le pousser dans ses retranchements pour le séduire. Toute minus qu'elle est, Noe n’est pas intimidée face à la montagne de muscles tatouée et le regard intelligent qui se cache derrière des lunettes de geek.

L’histoire révèle que les gentils n’ont pas toujours le beau rôle et sont souvent bien moins honnêtes qu’ils devraient l'être, et que ceux qui sont du mauvais côté de la barrière peuvent parfois rétablir l’ordre des choses et la justice. Ce n’est pas toujours très crédible mais on s’en fiche car l'auteure a ce pouvoir de nous faire croire qu’il y a du bien même dans ce qui n’en a pas l’apparence.

Une fois de plus Jay Crownover sait nous charmer avec une lecture addictive et passionnante mêlant le romantisme et l’action.
Mon avis complet : http://evenusia.canalblog.com/archive...
Profile Image for Kim.
2,640 reviews165 followers
October 13, 2017
4.5 stars
Noe Lee gained an enemy in Snowden Stark when she robbed his apartment. But when she ends up in trouble with people after her, she has no one else to turn to for help.

Stark did not expect to see the tiny, mighty homeless girl again that took all of his tech stuff, and his first reaction was to refuse to take on the situation. But when he had second thoughts, he realized his indecision just put her in more immediate danger. So soon he is invested in trying to get her back safe and sound.

Stark is a brilliant, analytical tech genius who has his own sense of honor especially when it comes to taking down predators. He is big, tatted, and intimidating, but also a bit socially awkward and hot geek. He is good with computers, but not necessarily people. He has guilt from his past and has kept his emotions buried so he is more machine than man. But something about Noe and his guilt from refusing her brings out more of his emotions.

Noe has had her own painful past. She is a survivor, and is strong, smart, and resourceful. She is a talented techie in her own right so can appreciate Stark's skills. She is good at running and disappearing, but this time she is in way over her head.

I found Stark fascinating as he is one of those broody, quirky guys that I cannot help but love. And Noe is a force to be reckoned with. I love how they challenged the other. The situation they are dealing with is far reaching with many variables. They are surrounded by corrupt people, danger, and threats. Stark has decided to take on the role of Noe's protector and vows to get revenge on the players involved. But he cannot do it alone.

Both have damaged hearts, fears, and insecurities. But since they can usually find out information on anyone with their hacking and research skills, keeping their own secrets won't last long. And the Point is a place where hope and faith are hard to find. But sometimes a little sweetness can be found when least expected. And sometimes broken pieces can be mended together.

They are a catalyst for change with each other. She brings him back to life, jump starts his heart, and unleashes his full potential he has been guarding. While he wants to make her feel safe and accepted. But they are both used to being alone and relying on themselves, so it is not always easy to navigate and to believe in. Their pasts keep bleeding into the present. During the process they both have to deal with their demons and their coping mechanisms are often to withdraw into themselves or focus on the mission. But what they really want is to truly matter to someone and be seen and loved for who they really are...flaws, past, and all. They both need to be reminded of their own self worth and find purpose.

It brings back the tough and complex men of the Point, Nassir, Race, Bax, Booker, Bax, Benny, Chuck, and Titus. And also the strong women Keelyn, Brysen, and Dovie who keep them in check. There is no black and white in the Point, just shades of grey. You have to have villains in order to have heroes, and most of these characters are a bit of both. They all want the Point to be a better place, they just go about it different ways. The Point still may be dark and nefarious, but there is more light and hope moving in all the time.

I cannot wait for Booker and Karsen's book. It has been a long time coming!

I was gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review.
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Profile Image for Ptiteaurel.
3,354 reviews56 followers
October 26, 2018
Une fois de plus Jay Crownover m'a conquise grâce à son univers unique et ses personnages qui sortent de l'ordinaire. Le retour à The Point n'en est que plus délicieux car nous sommes plongés dans une nouvelle intrigue où le danger, le pouvoir, les complots , les complicités mettront à rude épreuve la vie déjà mouvementée de nos héros. Parviendront ils à unir leur force pour combattre le mal? Sauront ils trouver un bonheur à deux qu'ils n'ont jamais connu?

Chronique complète https://thelovelyteacheraddictions.bl...
Profile Image for ♡Julalicious Book Paradise♡.
1,028 reviews70 followers
October 17, 2017
Rating: 4.5/5

I was really looking forward to this book because I didn't know what to expect from these two characters, but I was really eager about finding out.

Snowden Stark and Noe Lee are both hackers you don't want to have as enemies as they are both extremely good at finding what you don't want people to know. On their own, they can do wonders, but together, they seem to be a force to be reckoned with.

Each of their past has forged them into the people they are now and is the reason as to why they avoid to make personal connection with anyone who interfere in their lives… until Noe came to Stark for his help.

Noe Lee’s is in over her head and no matter how much she hates it, she needs Stark’s help to get out of the mess she got herself into. She is a proud person and it’s hard for her to ask for help when she is used to do everything on her own. As you learn more and more about her past, you realize just how strong she is and why it’s so important for her to help out people when she can, even if it puts her life in danger. She is a smart woman who has more than one trick in her hat and she isn’t afraid to speak up her mind.

Stark has a lot of trouble dealing with the feelings Noe woke up in him because it forces him to feel rather than just going through the motion. Pushing her away when she comes for his help was a way to protect himself though he hates himself to have done so. His past made him wary about letting other people near, but it also made even more focused about bringing his own kind of justice when the system fails to help out those in needs. He is a genius hacker and nothing can stop him once he put his mind to it, but still, while he could do a lot more known damage, he still trying to keep a low profile; trying to avoid getting confronted to his past once more.

When they are together, it seems that what Noe and Stark feel is magnified and it’s really then you get to see behind the scarred girl and the guilt-ridden boy. They are both alike and yet different in the way they want to deal with situations, but when they put their energy together, they just seem to fit like a puzzle.

It’s hard writing this review because I don’t know how much I can say without spoiling everyone, but believe me, each chapter will leave you asking for more.

Also, I won’t lie that some parts went rather quickly and I was a bit confused about the timeline, but that may just be me.

Overall, this book was an awesome read and I'm really looking forward to the next book in this series. I can't wait to see where Jay will write for the next one because I've been intrigued about this story since I first saw these characters in the Welcome to the Point series.

I was giving an advanced copy of this book in exchange of an honest review.
Profile Image for Bookgasms Book Blog.
2,843 reviews1,450 followers
October 14, 2017
I swear Jay Crownover's books are truly comfort food for me. They consistently bring me out of my funks and pretty much destroy my expectations because they are that fantastic. I have been a HUGE fan of hers from the beginning with Rule and the Marked Men but have come to love her just a tad more after her Welcome to the Point series (BAX will always be mine *sigh*) and her spinoff -The Breaking Point-series with Nassir. For that reason I might have slowly been dying inside for Stark. Snowden Stark was EVERYTHING. There is no box to put him in. Good? Bad? Maybe both. But amazing, for sure. His chemistry with Noe was all-round combustible and their banter just blows everything away. I absolutely loved this couple.

When her vigilante ways come back to haunt Noe Lee and she is hunted by the people she is running from, she turns to notorious and renowned hacker, Snowden Stark, for help. But when he turns her away due to his own past demons and his need to keep people at a distance, her enemies find her and take her. But when Stark realizes that he misses the mysterious and enigmatic thief who got under his skin what soon follows is Pure fireworks!! We watch as Stark and his highly connected friends burn down the world to get his girl back. GAHH! What a fantastic story!!

Noe was sassy and spunky and so strong. She was the perfect firecracker to shake up Stark's life. And Stark? Mr. Boy Genius himself - now at first glance, you'd think he was one of the baddest guys on the planet. And you'd be right. But only at first glance. Crownover is a genius in that she was able to destroy our initial (cold) impression of Stark from previous books and let us see and experience his inner torment and tragic history and see how hot he really burns. I absolutely loved them together and Dignity as a wholel!!

This novel had heart, heat, and reinforced the idea that our initial impressions of people may not be who they really are inside. Stark and Noe were more than a hacker and a thief. They had their own tragic circumstances and experiences that shaped who they became. But ultimately their love for one another motivated them to become the best people and versions of themselves they could be. This author knocked it out of the book with this one. I SERIOUSLY can not wait for Booker and Karsen and Respect. (I am already dying!)

Through this book Crownover proved that Smart has never been Sexier! Bravo! 5 stars! ~Ratula
Profile Image for Susi.
967 reviews100 followers
September 27, 2018
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Adoro, adoro Jay Crownover! Non c'è nessuno che come lei riesce a far innamorare il lettore dei cattivi ragazzi, ci siamo innamorate dei suoi Marked Men ma è impossibile non perdere la testa per gli uomini cattivi che ha costruito per la serie The Breaking Point, spinoff della serie Welcome to the Point.

Questa è la storia di due giovani ragazzi che fin da piccoli hanno convissuto con l'ingiustizia della vita, fino a farli finire nel barato nero che è the Point. Snowden Stark è un genio, mago dell'informatica capace di fare scomparire una persona dalla faccia della terra cancellandola con un click. Noe Lee è una ladra, ma non solo è anche una ragazza che sa cosa vuol dure fuggire ed è più che felice di aiutare ragazzi che stanno vivendo lo stesso passato da cui lei è fuggita.
Noe è abituata a cavarsela da sola ma quando vede di trovarsi con le spalle al muro cercherà l'aiuto di Star. Riuscirà il ragazzo che si nasconde nel buio della sua vita lasciar entrare qualcuno capace di fargli provare i sentimenti che tanto tempo fa aveva sepolto?

Mi avrà fatto sicuramente bene lo stop dalle letture romance nei mesi estivi perché ora che ho ripreso a leggere queste romanzi mi ricordo perché ami così tanto questo genere: personaggi di finzione che però l'autrice riesce a farti entrare nel cuore, storie di vita quotidiana e non – soprattutto non per quanto riguarda Jay Crownover – intrise di quel romanticismo che riesce a farti battere il cuore e tenerti incollata alle pagine nonostante la vita al di là del romanzo ti chiami a gran voce, un romanzo che oltre al romance di dà quel tocco di erotismo, mai volgare per la Crownover, che riesce davvero a farti provare mille e una emozioni scorrendo le pagine.

Ho amato ritrovare i tanto amati personaggi delle avventure precedenti: Reeve, Nassir, Titus, Bax, Race e così via ma quello che ho amato di questo libro è stato affezionarmi ai due nouvi protagonisti. Ho amato tutto il background che la Crownover ha costruito per Stark, penso che sia uno dei personaggi più forti all'interno della serie: coerente nelle azioni, con molta profondità psicologica, ma soprattutto un personaggio che percorre un percorso di redenzione – sempre nei termini di quella che è questa specifica serie della Crownover dove Point è una rappresentazione del male e non una vera città – che riesce ad entrare in contatto con il lettore non perché comune ma perché prova i loro stessi sentimenti.
Noe è un altro personaggio che ho amato molto, come tutte le eroine della Crownover è forte, indipendente e che non ha bisogno di nessuno per sentirsi importante e accetta ma che accetta più che volentieri l'auto di qualcuno che la comprende così bene da arrivare in suo soccorso senza dover chiedere aiuto.

Narrazione appassionante, costruzione ben calibrata e un mix perfetto di azione e romanticismo rendono Instict della Crownover assolutamente uno dei migliori romanzi che abbia mai letto dell'autrice. Uno stile impeccabile: intelligente, frizzante, coinvolgente ti portano fin dalle prime pagine ad innamorati dei personaggi e sentirti parte integrante della storia.

Un romanzo unico, che rileggerò sicuramente più che volentieri nel prossimo futuro perché a tutto quello che amo dei romance.

Punti bonus per aver lasciato gli indizi giusti per incuriosire il lettore per l'ultimo e conclusivo libro della serie.

4,5 Stelle
Profile Image for Melann.
884 reviews21 followers
April 29, 2019
Limite un peu moins. Je ne sais pas pourquoi je l'ai lu alors que je sais que je ne suis pas fan.
Une grosse impression de comblage de vide. Beaucoup de page de "reflection de pensée", de blabla inutiles qui m'ont fait sauter de nombreuses pages pour avancer. Du coup, il ne se passe pas grand-chose dans ce livre.
Profile Image for RentasticReads.
699 reviews183 followers
October 17, 2017
“...there cannot be heroes without villains. You have to have one in order to appreciate the qualities in the other.”

Jay Crownover never fails to astound me with the undeniable beauty, grit and depth of her stories. With the issues that actually happen in the real world that she's able to tackle and weave flawlessly into her books. Going back to the Point will always make you feel raw and exposed with everything that happens in it. Stark and Noe's tale in Dignity is certainly no different, and it was absolutely pure genius. Jay truly took their story to a whole other level and it paid off exceptionally.

Snowden Stark and Noe Lee couldn't be any more different than they are physically—Stark is huge where Noe is tiny. But their minds are both extraordinarily sharper than anybody's. Their hearts have both been battered and bruised, which resulted to them preferring a life of isolation. The people closest to them, the ones who should've been there to protect and shield them from all the ugliness of life have failed them. Miserably. But I couldn't be any happier that they were both the ones who fit perfectly with each other. That they were the ones who filled the empty spaces of the other's hollow and hardened shell of a heart.

“I do what I have to do in order to survive, and I make no apologies for it.”

Noe Lee has always run wild. She lived in dark alleys and in the shadows, always on the move. She was homeless and dirty wearing the baggiest of clothes. She even passed for a boy whenever her short hair was tucked into her favorite beanie. But don't let any of that fool you because her greatest asset is hidden all up in that pretty head of hers. And behind those grimy clothes too. She learned early in life never to trust anyone but herself. Though for the life of her, the moment she met Stark, she felt some kind of connection with him. So the moment she got herself into trouble she couldn't find a way out of on her own, the moment she grew desperate and needed help, he was the only person she knew to go to. And running to him was a big risk she was willing to take.

“She was Noe Lee and she was a force to be reckoned with.”

Noe's strength was what I loved and admired most about her. She was everything that's tough and brave and independent. She didn't have anyone. She barely even had anything in her name, except for a backpack filled with her prized and only possessions. But she knew how to survive with just that. Noe also has such a huge heart. Because of what she went through, she devoted herself to helping others and trying her best to right as much wrongs as she could. To make a difference with what she has. She's definitely one of the heroines I've met that I'll always look up to. She never let anything run her down. She's the kind of person that will fight until her last breath. And when she fixed Stark's mechanical heart? I just loved her even more.

“Fear, disappointment, and pain. They were the holy trinity that defined my life.”

Snowden Stark has learned to toe the line between bad and good the moment he lost everything. He was the epitome of badass with his hulking size, sculpted muscles and tattooed skin from head to toe. But what made him edgier and more dangerous than the rest of the men in the Point was his brilliant mind and his way with computers. It's what made him an asset to anyone he worked with. He was always seen for his extreme hacking abilities, as a machine without a heart. And he lived with that for as long as he could remember. But a certain little thief turned his world upside down. She saw so much more than he let on and she started wiggling her way in, patching up and repairing that mechanical organ in his chest before he even knew what was happening.

“He looked like a fighter, not a thinker, and it totally got to me when he put both those things aside and was nothing more than a vulnerable man who didn’t have all the answers.”

Honestly, Stark is the kind of man that's hard not to love. The more you knew about him—his past, the life he was dealt with—the more you understood him, the harder you fell for the guy. He was so much more than his big brain, even though his thought process never failed to mesmerize me throughout this entire book. He was numb and ice cold from the start, but when Noe slowly got under his skin... The way he took her under his wing as his equal... The way he became overly protective of her... It will turn you into a huge pile of putty in his hands. And don't even get me started with his dirty mouth and the way he loves up on Noe once he realized he's got feelings just like the rest of us. Boy Genius will slay you and make you fall on your knees with all that he is. Trust me. He's now my ultimate favorite Point boy yet.

“She was the most dignified person I’d ever met. She made me believe I was special, not because I was always the smartest guy in the room, not because I was the biggest or the best, but because I was me.”

I fell head over heels in love with these two and their story that will pierce through your heart. Right when their beginnings got touched up on in Honor, I was already intrigued as hell. With the level of intelligence they have, I knew their book would be nothing short of spectacular and unique. And Jay Crownover did not disappoint at all. The way they were together, that level of understanding and chemistry and intimacy between them was unlike any other I've read about. It was beyond fascinating. It all even ran deeper because they connected, not only with their hearts and souls, but most especially with those brilliant minds they have.

“And sometimes you find the person who makes you want more, and you have to decide how much you’re willing to give.”

This is yet another book that you should definitely read and add on to your TBR. It's one you wouldn't want to miss nor pass up on. Jay just has this way of knocking you sideways with her words and the significance of her stories. She makes every single thing relatable to her readers; she makes you feel like you're watching a movie every time you get sucked into her books, and that's one of the things I love about her and her writing.

Also, with the way this book ended, you'll want to get your hands on Booker and Karsen's story way sooner. This is another couple that made a solid mark in me that I couldn't wait to know more about. And this just drove me crazier over them than ever. I definitely couldn't wait for Respect to arrive.

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Profile Image for Karen Mc .
996 reviews778 followers
October 22, 2017

”The things we have to work for are the things we appreciate the most.”

With each story that Jay Crownover pens to life in The Point/Breaking Point series, I FALL HARDER IN LOVE!!! With each story, I sink so far into this saga that is the best fusion of villains and heroes! With each story, the line is blurred among the Marked Men and those dark heroes of The Point where I am almost hard-pressed to choose a favorite.

Dignity struck my soul like a match, lighting it on fire, as I burned in anger as much as I bled tears. This broken hero and heroine made me break, shattering into pieces, where I wanted justice for them. I wanted revenge. I wanted to avenge ... every wrong ... every piece of past and present pain that hit these characters ... everything.

Stark, this dark hero supposedly without a heart, stole my heart! This hot nerd has all the intelligence and power. His pain was mine. Stark set me on fire! My body was on fire while my heart bled. This alpha was my addiction.

No one was ever really sure if I was friend or foe.

Stark tows the line between hero and villain. His heart is made of ice until one woman made it melt.

”Sometimes you find the person who makes you want more, and you have to decide how much you’re willing to give.”

Noe is as equally brave as she is beautiful. This heroine has strength in spades but her smarts stand out most of all. I loved her strength and admired her courage to risk it all for justice like the superhero she has become.

The guy was a monster and I loved everything about being pinned and held against all that strength.

A fight for justice mixed with a quest for survival bring Now and Stark together. United against evil.

”What makes you think this is a fight we can win?”

“Because I can’t afford to lose again.”

Though it’s the fire that burns between Noe and Stark that is impossible to ignore. Their intelligence ignites as much as that fire where I felt an UNDENIABLE PULL between this hero and heroine.

He became the only thing I could see. The only thing I could feel. The only thing I could think about.

Together, Noe and Stark are mesmerizing ... just magical! This is a couple fighting fate and all the odds. I loved watching them conquer their demons! Stark and Noe have a shared bond that neither can grasp nor get....one not of merely lovers but of intelligent and powerful equals...one of perhaps soulmates.

”I don’t have much ... but I want to give all to you.”

Dignity is a deep dive of mind and matter where every word matters!!! Brains are even sexier than beauty and brawn. I loved the ultra smart hero and heroine who were even stronger superheroes together. In this SOUL SLAYER, intelligence rules and is a weapon of reckoning that wrecks havoc in an ALLURING world where heroes are and villains are heroes.

Bad has never been so good!!! Jay Crownover makes you love the 'baddest' of bad boys in her powerful The Point and Breaking Point novels, the men who sway from criminals to heroes, the boyfriends that mothers would hide from if you brought them home, the boys you should probably run from too...but you won't, as you can't help but adore these saints and sinners.

Jay Crownover’s writing reaches inside deeply, grabs your heart, holding it in its hands, and then both hits and hugs it so hard. Her stories—as insightful as they are emotional—make you THINK as much as FEEL. This visionary writes words that delve deeply into complex characters that are always so much more than their names, reputations, pasts, and more.

People were always something more than a simple label.

With each story Jay Crownover brings to life, I fall deeper into her spell that I’ve dubbed ‘Crownover Crack’ since meeting this author’s first masterpiece, Rule, years ago. This author opens your eyes with her words where you will find yourself quickly removing any preconceptions you may think or feel. I’ll never stop loving the best blend of black and white that Jay Crownover writes.

Dignity is ELECTRIC—an EXHILARATING RUSH of a romance that bleeds black and white into the perfect shade of gray. This SOUL-THRASHING story leaves judgement at the door and shows the finest of lines that exist between good and evil. Dignity hit my heart hard, wrecking it—wrecking me—in the best way!!! I LOVED this romantic thriller!!! Both haunting and heroic, Dignity is a HEADY and HEART-POUNDING JOURNEY worthy of its title and more! ❤️

🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 deliciously dark and dignified stars


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Profile Image for Frency  camminando tra le pagine .
625 reviews57 followers
September 26, 2018
RECENSIONE COMPLETA SUL BLOG http://camminando-tra-le-pagine.blogs...

Ho terminato “Instinct”, secondo capitolo della serie Breaking Point di Jay Crownover, da pochissimi minuti e sono già seduta di fronte al mio computer pronta per parlarvi di questo libro e pronta per decantare, per l’ennesima volta, le doti di quella che è una delle mi autrici preferite.
Jay Crownover non solo possiede un posto d’onore nella mia libreria, due scaffali sono colmi di tutti i suoi romanzi, ma possiede anche un posto d’onore nel mio cuore di lettrice dove i suoi deliziosi personaggi hanno preso residenza in pianta stabile.
Ancora una volta, questa autrice mi ha presa per mano e trascinato nell’oscuro e spaventoso mondo di The Point. Una cittadina pericolosa e malavitosa, dove il diavolo in persona controlla la fitta rete criminale che dilaga tra le strade della città. Abbiamo avuto il piacere di incontrarlo nel primo romanzo della serie – “Honor” (click sul titolo per la mia recensione) – lui, Nassir Gate , colui che ha le mani in pasta un po’ dappertutto, colui che detta le leggi e le fa rispettare, colui che mi ha intrigata nella serie principale, Welcome to The Point, e mi ha colpita e ammaliata facendomi capitolare inesorabilmente quando era lui ad essere il protagonista principale. Sicuramente nessuno è cattivo e spietato come lui, ma anche i due personaggi che ci vengono presentati in questo nuovo romanzo di certo non scherzano in quanto cazzutaggine e vi garantiscono che sapranno farsi amare.
Protagonisti e narratori a pov alterni sono Noe Lee e Snowden Stark.
Noe ha ventisei anni ed è una piccola ladruncola di strada, non ha una fissa dimora e da quando non ha più un tetto sopra la testa ha imparto a cavarsela da sola e a sopravvivere in quella giungla oscura e di cemento che è The Point.
Me la cavavo benissimo da sola ed era già da un po’ che sopravvivevo in circostanze piuttosto merdose. Mi guardavo le spalle da sola e prendevo autonomamente le mie decisioni. Mi piaceva così, era quello di cui avevo bisogno. In quel momento, però, avevo paura; ero veramente terrorizzata, ma ero anche abbastanza intelligente da capire che mi trovavo in una situazione più grande di me. Avevo bisogno di aiuto e c’era solo una persona alla quale potessi chiedere senza troppo imbarazzo di tirarmi fuori dal torbido e pericoloso casino nel quale ero andata a impelagarmi.

Ora però, Noe ha pestato i piedi a qualcuno di importante ed è nei guai fino al collo e solo una persona è in grado di aiutarla ed uscirne tutta intera. E quella persona è Snowden Stark.
Stark è un vero e proprio genio, un abile hacker con il corpo e l’aspetto di una bestia sexy e tatuata, è un amico di vecchia data di Race Hartman e alle dipendenze di Nassir ed è anche l’unica persona in grado di aiutare Noe Lee.... CONTINUA SUL BLOG
Profile Image for Nalla Reads.
357 reviews24 followers
October 17, 2017
Originally posted on NallaReads


I have no idea how Jay Crownover manages to blow my mind with every new read. The Point is not a place known for happy endings. It's where bad guys go to get worse or get gone.

Stark, AKA our Boy Genius, has been living the somewhat low life after signing his life away to the Devil in The Point. He's like his machines: cold, effortless, and efficient. Cross him, his boss, or his low set of morals and he can wipe your existence from the electronic earth. Little does he know that a little thief has come in the night to steal away the hard wires he hides behind.

Noe has earned her spot on the streets; if the Devil is how you get in, then Noe is one way you can get out. She's worked hard to erase the past she left behind as she helps victims of abuse escape. But one heist leaves her in the cross-hairs of the one man who can dig enough in to her past to find her and put her back in the limelight of her dangerous past. And now he's the only man who can help save her.

The devil's in the details on this one as Noe slowly draws out more and more of Stark's personality as they race against time and a city that's after them. There is quote after quote that I could go back to that gutted me. Noe is a woman who is strong in a new way. She's been through something horrific that happens more than it ever should. And through it all she risks putting her self back in to the terrifying memories as she tries to help those going through a similar situation. Stark can't help but find beauty in the strengths that she shows. Noe awakens a part of Stark he hasn't felt since he was younger: the empathetic side that he only let loose when he vengeance got the best of him.

Watching Stark go from machine to man, emotionally, was so drool worthy. He's not know for much words but when he opens his mouth, boy does he have some lines that will make any girl fall. (#theearrings ... they KILL ME). There are snippets to those that we've seen in The Point as well. Ben's got his moment (swoon!) as well as Bax and Race's reputations play a part. And don't think that Titus sits out when all hell breaks loose on his city; the good-cop-acting-bad is a key player as Stark and Noe plan to take down the biggest criminal The Point has seen in some time. With a city on edge and one of the most electrifying couple I've ever read, DIGNITY is an automatic 5 star top read once again from Crownover!


Profile Image for Isabella - SnooRegrets.
492 reviews107 followers
September 13, 2018
Nothing is as sexy as a big brain.

I always thought this, even in my teenager years. I got sexy in this book, and I loved it. You see, I am a picky book boyfriend chooser. I don‘t respect alphaholes and seldom like bad boys, I dismiss manwhores and am rarely impressed by rockers.
But holy moly, I definitely found a book boyfriend in Stark. The awkward, socially inept computer genius with tats AND glasses? Fuck yeah, I am all in. I adore Stark, every big brawny, thinker inch of him, every vulnerability he showed, every flaw that gets to light throughout the story.

And in the beginning I loved Noe, too. She appeared to be one awesome badass. Throughout the book she lost that edge for me and Stark was completely in charge of everything. And of her supposed intelligence wasn‘t too much visible for me. It was hard to see her as an equal for the boy genius, when she basically did nothing. The same problem I have with Karsen from book three appeared: everything that is said about her sounds awesome and right up my alley and I want her to be this badass so freaking bad - but it is not SHOWN to me, I don‘t buy it. And I absolutely HATED how she acted towards the end, not that she was running away, that was an understandable well written move - but that she waited in that church for him to come and pick her about. What the hell?

But the story between them was a great, albeit over the top read, and I really felt the chemistry, I thought those two were hot as hell together.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Rachel.
1,494 reviews27 followers
October 18, 2017
4.5 stars

Snowden Stark regretted the moment he slammed the door in Noe Lee’s face. Now she is missing and he can’t get her out of his mind. She wouldn’t have knocked on his door if she wasn’t in trouble and now she’s missing.

Stark is a hard man to get a bead on. He is used to keeping himself closed off and separate from even the people he considers friends. That’s just the way it is in the Point. It’s also the only thing that has kept him safe from those who are after him. He is a tech genius, though he tries to keep those skills hidden.

Noe is used to living on the streets, relying on no one but herself. Passing herself as a boy to go even more unnoticed, she isn’t used to being a target. She is tough and resourceful, as she has learned to be in order to survive the Point.

Two people who don’t trust make for an interesting read, simply because though they feel an attraction, neither is willing to let down any walls to simply scratch an itch. As it becomes impossible to hold back secrets, the walls crumble around these two. I couldn’t help but feel like I was watching their worlds implode as they spent more time together and those secrets were pushed into the open. These two are used to relying on themselves and letting others in isn’t an easy task. Nor is moving beyond the pasts that have shaped them into who they are now.

The Point is a rough place to live -- that has been established, but it is becoming clearer that each person who lives there has very different reasons for choosing the Point as their home. Because each of these characters has very purposely chosen to live here, whether it was such a simple choice in the beginning or not, it is definitely a choice now. As we get further into this series, it is becoming clearer that the good guys are not all good, and the villains are not all bad. I cannot wait to see what Booker and Karsen have in store in their book, as quite a bit has been teased as Karsen has grown up and headed to college.

I was gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 325 reviews

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